“Mister Roland” is a musical project by Rolando Ferreira. Folk, Rockabilly and Country are the most important musical references that inspire him to begin this project, importing these genres to Lusitania after his trip to the USA. After his successful EP “Mayday”, “Trembling Giant” is an album composed of 8 songs that shows us Mister Roland’s in its daily life full of surprises. Folk continues to be a part of the plan in an environment that leads to new sounds discovered by the variations of Rock.
The trip to the forest represented in “Trembling Giant” Pando, Utah, not only is an influence for the music itself but also the principle for the graphic expression. Therefore, the album cover represents that same forest illustrated with its colorful and cheerful landscape, resembling a postcard in which the written information as the album and artist name’s, are inside a post seal. The back cover is the continuation of this landscape in a downward movement through the soil that show us the roots of the forest, revealing the "tracklist" of the album.